简介: 这部剧从1998年开播、共播出六年、被誉为“美国青少年成长教科书”的青春偶像剧《Dawson's Creek》故事发生在美国东部城市波士顿(Boston)附近一个名为Capeside的海边小镇,剧情围绕两男两女四个好朋友如何一步步走过青春期、走向成熟:15岁的Dawson(James Van D
简介: Joey begins her first day at Worthington University where she is struggling in her beginners writing class taught by Professor David Wilder who crit
简介: During the summer, Pacey and Audrey rocked Los Angeles and spent time with her next door neighbors, the Osbournes, and Jack Osbourne even tags along