简介: Io e lei è un film del 2015 diretto da Maria Sole Tognazzi e scritto dalla regista insieme a Ivan Cotroneo e Francesca Marciano, con protagoniste Ma
简介: 乐观的石勇(杜汶泽 Chapman To 饰)最近霉运连连,老婆爱钱婚姻玩完,事业受挫生意落拓,不得已带着全部家当搬到郊区,以前“人见人爱花见花开”的日子彻底不复返,还被老板娘(恬妞 Niu Tien 饰)等误认为落难老大。就在他失意落寞的时候,忽然发现隔壁的“大力妹”李丽(江若琳 Elanne
简介: Diego is 17 and is full of life, yet fragile. His best friend Antonio knows and indulges his weaknesses, but he would also like to see him strong an