简介:An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye o
简介:An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye o
简介:剧情紧接外传 Battlefield of Pacifist《和平主义者的战场》与Blind Target《盲眼的目标》(两部外传皆以自己的角度阐述TV与无尽的华尔兹期间发生的故事,故内容有所冲突,但都可以在无尽的华尔兹小说中找到大概),地球与殖民地的战斗于殖民后196年结束除五飞外,希罗等四位高达