简介:新破坏大帝惊破天率领的原始兽和白狮擎天柱率领的巨无霸在一颗名为盖亚的行星上争夺灭世魔能——Angolmois Energy (“Angolmois”,本意是16世纪法国著名占星家诺查丹玛斯(Nostradamus)在其预言名著《诸世纪》中提及的“恐怖大王”的名字——安哥尔摩亚),从盖亚人遗留的信息中
简介: Detective Inspector John Rebus is a hard drinking, unkempt, womanizing police officer whose job is his whole life. He is the most senior and most ex
简介:A drama that explores the life of Mother Teresa through letters she wrote to her longtime friend and spiritual advisor, Father Celeste van Exem over a
简介: 圣丹斯电影节非虚构类最佳短片得主《约翰的太空寻人启事(John Was Trying to Contact Aliens)》。这部16分钟的短片,由英国导演Matthew Killip执导,主要讲述了John Shepherd在密歇根的家中花了30年时间试图联系外星人的故事。他使用大量的高科技设