简介:The story revolves around Luisa Palmeira, born in France from Portuguese immigrants. In 1979, Luisa is eight years old. Almost a grown-up in the eyes
简介: What's the Name of the Film? is on the 68 generation of women filmmakers who made their films in 1990s Turkey. Following their journeys, the film de
简介: 2004年,一份由法国人Francois Xavier所撰写《Voyageur》手稿在泰国重现于世《Voyageur》手稿讲述了十九世纪后半期暹罗的风土人情,另外还提到一名能预测未来的女子。因为有些记载与历史不符,学者们聚集巴黎展开讨论,驻巴黎的泰国大使馆派出年轻的翻译梅尼(Florence F