简介: 基克尔(约翰·巴里摩尔 John Barrymore 饰)是一名知识非常渊博的科学家,他将毕生的经历都投注到了探索人性的善恶奥妙之中,并且最终制造出了一种可怕的药剂,这种药剂能够令基克尔化身成为海德先生,基克尔将自己所有的恶意和坏念头都投射到了海德的大脑里。白天,基克尔行医救人乐善好施,待到夜幕
简介: In a three-part series, Andrew Graham-Dixon looks back at 19th century Britain and its obsession with all things Gothic. The series explores how an
简介: Simon and Kit, two young leaders of an Active Senior tour group, out on an adventure to a small-town rodeo festival located deep in the woods. It’s
简介: Timeshift charts the evolution of the British postage stamp and examines how these sticky little labels became a national obsession. Like many of us