简介: A frustrated, despairing housewife and young mother of two, imprisoned by her domestic world and ignored by her succesful husband, becomes increasin
简介: Allison is approached by Gary Durant who wants something done about the harassment directed at his elderly father. Someone has been posting videotap
简介: 墨西哥导演米歇尔·弗兰克在参加马拉喀什电影节时确认他执导的第六部影片[少数人的梦想](The Dreams of a Few,暂译)将于明年4月开机拍摄弗兰克的上一部影片[艾普尔的女儿]于去年戛纳电影节“一种关注单元”首映并荣获评审团奖。弗兰克表示新片将是一部大制作影片,影片风格有别于他以往作品