简介: Kanda让女儿Cake在制片厂的庆功派对上替她拿下巨星Ton的签名,因为她是Ton的忠实粉丝。Cake在派对上穿着漂亮,完全不像她平日的打扮。派对期间Cake喝醉了。她带着醉醺醺的身体向 Ton 要他的签名。Ton没有认出Cake,以为Cake是他的好朋友Peeredetch请来取悦他的副业女
简介:Rural love story continues in Yaem Yasothorn 2, the sequel to the hit comedy Yaem Yasothon directed by popular comedian turned director Mum Jokmok. Th
简介:In a Southern province in Thailand, a young boy lives with his uncle and a monkey called Kapi. When the uncle dies, the boy is threatened by a real es
简介:Kaewsai just graduated from Faculty of Communications and started working at a broadcast station owned by Mutthana, who is her father's lover. Her par