简介: Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian and Aprilia start a beautiful love story. However, nothing is as simple as
简介: Tony, a visiting Italian, meets Oscar in a Copenhagen bar. What seems like a one-night stand becomes more complicated and the two men form a fragile
简介: Superstar a capella group Pentatonix is struggling to find inspiration for their annual holiday album, and the clock is ticking. To make matters wor
简介: A man recently released from a mental institute inherits a mansion after his parents die. After a series of disturbing events, he comes to believe i
简介: An old storyteller tries to convince her grandson that Death no longer exists. Her story will bring back to life the extraordinary people who, by us
简介: 网上关于这座桥的历史资料不甚详尽,关于影片的介绍更是简单的可怜,在看过的一些历史记录片中对这座桥大多也是寥寥几句带过——可是,希特勒曾说过这样一句话:“有两个“桥头堡”决定了我们德国的命运,一个在诺曼底,而另一个在雷马根! 《雷玛根大桥》(Bridge at Remagen)——美国米高梅公司